Friday, July 27, 2012

SEFE, Inc. (SEFE) Solves Major Problems of Renewable Energy

Even now, with governments all over the world pouring millions of dollars into renewable energy, through tax incentives, support programs, and research grants, the industry continues to play a relatively minor role in the overall energy picture. The biggest contributing factors to the situation are the basic inefficiencies and limitations inherent in almost every possible solution.

Active solar power, in spite of decades of research and engineering, remains unacceptably expensive for most applications. Although new technologies and materials have significantly increased the efficiency of generation, solar power is still held back by a major limitation, the sun only shines during the day. During times of excess production, energy must be stored, involving loss. When production stops during the night, all that expensive equipment sits idle.

Bioenergy, energy produced from renewable bio resources, has a number of issues. If the biofuel source is based on waste material, it may be seasonal or face cost variations that make it difficult to forecast costs of operation. Attempts have been made to establish dedicated and manageable biofuel sources, but agricultural impacts and other challenges have kept things to a small scale. And, of course, there are also pollution issues involved in burning.

Hydropower, the grandfather of renewable energy, has essentially run its course. In the U.S., the massive hydroelectric projects of the past have already taken advantage of key locations, although there is still potential in developing countries, and the controversy surrounding the effect of dams on the world’s rivers has led to more calls for dam removal than construction.

Even wind power, one of the industry leaders, involves converting mechanical energy into electricity, with an inevitable loss in between. In addition, production is variable, dependent upon the wind, which blows independent of user energy needs. And then there is the ongoing issue of footprint, with large scale wind farms requiring massive acreage, including air space.

SEFE offers a totally different solution to the problem of renewable energy. The Colorado company has developed and tested a revolutionary way of drawing electricity directly from the air. Using one or more airborne carriers, such as a high-altitude weather balloon or blimp, the SEFE system is able to capture static electricity that is continually being formed in the earth’s atmosphere in all kinds of weather. The resulting direct current is transformed into usable alternating current, enough to power entire residential neighborhoods. The footprint is small, it works anywhere in the world, at any time of the day or night, is highly efficient since there is no significant conversion required, and it is scalable as needed. And, of course, it is entirely clean renewable energy.

For additional information, visit the company’s websites at

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