Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Frontier Communications Corp. (FTR) Unveils Buffalo named Frank

Yesterday it was announced that Frontier Communications has selected Francis Abraham Buffalo as the star of its newest ad campaign. An American Buffalo affectionately known as Frank beat out all others at auditions. The charismatic animal currently stands at 6 feet tall, measures 8 feet long, and weighs 2,000 pounds.

Cory Jones, Vice President of Marketing for Frontier, stated, “We wanted a spokesperson that could connect with customers and make them smile, and an iconic American Buffalo with a touch of attitude stole the show. We are confident that consumers will like Frank and enjoy his observations about life, technology and Frontier’s products and services. For example, our $19.99 broadband offer is an affordable, no-contract product with simple, clear terms. We wanted someone plain-spoken and truth-telling to talk about it and our other offerings. Frank fits the bill. He has no tolerance for surprises, bull or BS – the last defined in dictionary.com as `nonsense, lies or exaggeration’ – and we’re delighted he’s with Frontier.”
Frank will be showcased in Frontier Communication’s first all-new ad campaign. The campaign has excitingly been several years in the making. He will begin his debut by appearing in various promotions, including both digital and print media.

One of America’s largest corporations, Frontier Communications is apart of the FORTUNE 500 list, offering services that include broadband, voice, satellite video, and wireless Internet services.

To learn more, please visit www.frontier.com

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