Monday, April 29, 2013

Bridgeline Digital, Inc. (BLIN) Receives 15 Horizon Interactive Awards

Bridgeline Digital announced recently that the company had received fifteen 2013 Horizon Interactive Awards for outstanding development of interactive web applications and websites. This year’s 11th competition, with more than 1,000 entries from over 25 countries, evaluated categories ranging from online advertising to mobile applications.

Based in Burlington, MA, Bridgeline Digital is focused on helping online marketers realize the maximum potential of their online presence through improving websites, intranets, and online stores with Bridgeline’s iAPPS platform. iAPPS integrates Web Content Management, eCommerce, eMarketing, and Web Analytics; Bridgeline also provides end-to-end Digital Engagement solutions. Bridgeline has nine locations in the US and an Asia Pacific headquarters in Bangalore, India.

The company received awards for site development across a wide array of industries, such as Healthcare, Franchising, Financial Services, Pharmaceuticals, and Associations. Each of the winning websites was developed using iAPPS; the list of winning websites (from gold through bronze) included AARP International, Children’s Hospital Colorado Orthopedics, YMCA Retirement Fund, and American Psychiatric Association, among others.

Mike Sauce, Founder of the Horizon Interactive Awards, said, “The 2012 competition has, once again, raised the bar for future competitions. I can speak for the Judges by saying that we all were very impressed by the quality of the digital solutions by all of the entrants this year. There really seems to be a convergence of all forms of media providing rich user experiences with a renewed focus on sound marketing and design principles that clearly communicate a message. With fierce competition from all of the categories, this year’s winners should be proud to be among the best of the best from around the world.”

For more information, visit

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