Thursday, February 28, 2013

Cardium Therapeutics, Inc. (CXM) Generx Cardiovascular Solution Marches to a Different Beat

Coronary artery disease – the No. 1 cause of death worldwide – kills more than 17 million people around the world each year. It’s easy to skim over the statistics when “death” dominates global headlines. We are desensitized to a bold and ruthless serial killer among us that has literally stopped millions of hearts dead in their tracks. The real clincher is that this killer can be stopped.

Health and active living advocates have exposed cardiovascular disease for what it really is – an often self-inflicted disease that could be prevented by adhering to a healthy lifestyle. Despite an increasingly educated population, the human race, collectively, isn’t ready to forfeit poor eating choices and wise-up to heart health. That’s why regenerative medicine company Cardium Therapeutics is conducting countless hours of research and development to offer a non-conventional approach to coronary artery disease.

Traditional treatments for heart disease ranges from drug therapy to highly invasive bypass surgeries, stents, angioplasty, and grafts. Cardium’s counter solution is a one-time, non-surgical gene-based treatment option called Generx, administered using a standard cardiac infusion catheter.

Generx is designed to work with and enhance the body’s natural healing process by stimulating blood vessel growth in the heart, which in turn generates blood flow. Clinical studies of Generx show improved cardiac perfusion (blood flow, in this case) within eight weeks. To-date, Generx has completed four randomized clinical studies at more than 100 medical centers in the United States and Western Europe.

Cardium plans to enroll 100 men and women with myocardial ischemia from coronary artery disease for the upcoming ASPIRE phase 3 clinical study to evaluate the Generex’ safety and efficacy. The ASPIRE study will mark the fifth clinical study under Generex’ clinical development program, which will prepare the company to seek regulatory approval from the Russian Health Authority.

For more information, visit

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