Friday, October 25, 2013

Boston Therapeutics, Inc. (BTHE) and America’s Sugar Monster

The formal description for Boston Therapeutics is of a pharmaceutical company focused on the development of novel compounds based on complex carbohydrate chemistry to address unmet medical needs in diabetes. But the company’s potential, as an investment and in terms of its possible effect on the tens of millions of people with Type 2 diabetes, is far more dramatic. CEO David Platt is blunt about it, saying in a recent interview with the New Hampshire Union Leader “We believe that what we have in our hands is an absolute blockbuster”.

The blockbuster in question is the company’s one-of-a-kind proprietary polysaccharide, PAZ320, that represents a totally new way of treating type 2 diabetes, currently afflicting over 25 million people in the U.S. alone. PAZ320 is a chewable, locally acting complex carbohydrate-based compound that works in the gastrointestinal tract to directly block the enzymes that digest sugar. The demonstrated result is a dramatic reduction in the amount of glucose in the blood stream from carbohydrate rich meals. A phase II study of PAZ320 showed a 40 percent reduction of post-meal glucose in the blood of 45 percent of patients treated with PAZ320. There’s never been anything like it.

In spite of the enormous possibilities for Boston Therapeutics, CEO David Platt seems even more enthused about the development’s potential benefit for public health. With obesity becoming the country’s number one health issue, and even young people being faced with type 2 diabetes at levels never before experienced, Platt has an almost missionary zeal for taming the nation’s sugar monster. In the same newspaper interview, he emphasized the deadly and critical nature of the challenge, saying “It’s very simple. Sugar kills. End of story”.

For additional information, visit the company’s website at

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