Friday, October 28, 2011

Wizzard Media (WZE) Announces Invite-Only Test of Beta Version of OnPublish Program on for Podcast Playback with Facebook and Twitter

Wizzard Media, the world’s largest podcast network, today announced that is has begun a private beta version test of its OnPublish program which will integrate support for both Facebook and Twitter in the publishing platform.  With the OnPublish program, producers of podcasts will have the ability to publish audio and video shows directly to Facebook and Twitter which the Company expects will grow their audience numbers by over 50% in two years.

Wizzard previously announced plans to integrate with Facebook and intends to build the first subscription based podcast network that will include the Facebook Credit System used by top games. It takes 10 Facebook credits purchased online or earned via Facebook services to equal one US dollar.

“The ability to publish to the two largest social networks directly from within our publishing platform is a very powerful component that we believe has the potential to help producers greatly expand their unique audience count,” says Laurie Sims, President, Wizzard Media in a press release on Friday. “OnPublish uses Facebook’s proprietary audio and video players to play podcasts and the new system is working as expected. With this new feature alone we believe we can increase our unique audience numbers by 50% over the next two years and grow our subscription revenues substantially as people spend more time consuming media on Facebook.”

Wizzard will use current client producers for the initial beta program and then open it up to more producers based on the initial feedback.   Plans are to make OnPublish available to all producers in November.

Presently, Wizzard Media clients include Microsoft, National Geographic, Harvard Business Review, NPR and over 13,000 others.  In 2010, the Wizzard Media Network had over 1.64 billion podcast requests from approximately 60 million people worldwide using iPods, iPhones, iPads, iTunes, Androids, Blackberrys, Windows Phone, Zunes and many other devices.

For more information, please visit Wizzard Media’s website at

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